Medgate is pleased to announce that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) rolled out Medgate’s leading health and safety software at the NASA headquarters in Langley, D.C. in June, 2011.
The June 17 issue of NASA’s The Researcher News features an article by Denise Lineberry detailing the events of the NASA electronic health records system rollout. In the article, Lineberry introduces her readers to the purpose of the new system and crafts a story around how Medgate is improving employee health management within the agency.
Key members of the NASA rollout team were interviewed about the project, including Azhir Rafiq, director of medical informatics within the Office of the Chief Health and Medical Officer at NASA Headquarters. Using quotes from Rafiq and his colleagues, the article outlines the scope and benefits of the Medgate project. Reported benefits include data security, streamlined processes, trending and reporting, and compliance with state and federal regulations.
Langley is the second NASA location to launch the data management system, and NASA’s intention is to roll out the system across its nationwide operations. The Medgate system is expected to be in use across the agency by the end of 2012.
Read the full story: NASA Electronic Health Records System