Medgate Inc., the leading global provider of health and safety software, is pleased to announce that its Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Reza Alemy, has recently become a Certified Professional in Healthcare Information and Management Systems (CPHIMS).
Dr. Alemy, who provides vision and leadership to medical and occupational health softwaredevelopments at Medgate, was awarded the CPHIMS certification by the globally recognized Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS).
To be considered for the CPHIMS certification, the only credential for the healthcare information technology (HIT) industry, a candidate must have the requisite educational background and a track record of multiple years as a HIT professional. Once deemed eligible, the candidate then must pass a rigorous and comprehensive examination on the financial, technical, and administrative aspects of the field.
Dr. Alemy is an experienced family physician, radiation oncology specialist, and a renowned e-health. In addition to his work as Medgate’s Chief Medical Officer, he keeps current to the demands of medical professionals by practicing as a family physician part-time.