
Hampshire H3

In July 2014, Occupational Health teams from Hampshire County Council, Hampshire Constabulary and Hampshire Fire and Rescue Service merged to form one Occupational Health service. Combined, they total about 55,000 employees. Equally governed by the three public bodies, the pioneering new partnership is called H3 and is said to be the first example of its type between three such authorities in England.

This paper discusses:

  • How three separate organisations streamlined their respective occupational health services into the Cohort solution.
  • How Cohort “revolutionised” the speed and alignment of data access.
  • The ability for H3 to produce bespoke reports on-demand and at short notice.
  • Cohort’s ability to keep highly sensitive Police, council and fire service data confidential and secure.

“It’s much quicker and easier now. The numbers are ready for me. We didn’t have that before. It was all very much counting up individual cases, going through. H3 have demonstrated how it is possible to streamline three organisations, into one central system. They have shown an increase in both their efficiency and capacity, through the alignment of their databases. Booking an appointment and diary management no longer falls to one individual at one time, freeing up this task to others.”

Donna Howard, Business Systems Manager, Hampshire Occupational Health Service

Download this case study to see how H3 streamlined its OH service…