The ageing workforce is the part of working individuals that have reached a certain age and beyond, typically those who are 60 years or older.

According to Helpage, 1 in 10 people are over 60 years old, by 2050 1 in 5 people will be over 60 and people aged over 60 will outnumber children ages 0-14 by 2050.

An ageing workforce may bring its challenges to any industry particularly the manufacturing industry but embracing technology within the workplace can help reduce the strain on older workers.

How technology can help the ageing workforce:

  1. The Internet of Things

The internet of things (IoT) refers to the growing network of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and have the functionality to transfer data over a network.

By using IoT enabled devices for two-way communication, workers with years of experience can share knowledge across the workforce without being onsite. This is an efficient and effective way to train younger staff members.

With its capability to integrate electronic smart devices via the web, the internet of things helps people manage work conditions remotely and helps to create a smartphone-based workplace and other aspects of a modern digital workplace.

  1. Machine learning

Machine learning is a branch of computers that learn and act like humans and improve their learning over time. They are based on the idea that systems can learn from data, identify patterns and make decisions with minimal human intervention.

The ageing workforce can benefit from machine learning by being less reliant on the experience of employees since machine learning can use automated methods to delegate and complete tasks.

Most industries have recognised the benefits of machine learning technology and are able to work more efficiently and gain a significant advantage over competitors.

  1. Automation

Automation uses technology to control and monitor the production of goods and services. It often performs tasks that were previously performed by humans and is being used in various industries such as transport, manufacturing and information technology.

Automating specific jobs saves time, cost and allows newer employees to be taken on board in a matter of weeks without the need for extensive training. By training employees on how to use automated systems, more employees can learn a variety of skills and younger employees will have less reliance on the older worker for training and knowledge.

  1. Gamification

This involves the process of taking something that already exists, such as a website or enterprise application and integrating game mechanics into it to encourage participation.

Gamification technology can track the skills of employees, allowing employees to earn points and celebrate milestones. Therefore, gamification can reduce the pressure of an ageing workforce by tracking the training of all employees with a focus on younger employees.

Employers can use gamification technology to access the skills gap in their organisation and ensure the gap between older and younger workers is being reduced.

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