The World’s Leading Occupational Health software.
We have a wealth of experience within the occupational health marketplace. Our software solutions improve efficiency by streamlining processes through automation.
Our software is tried and tested across a wide range of industries around the world and benefits from active user group involvement, which helps focus and further drive product enhancement.
Time saved = Added value
Cohort is easy to access, easy to use and offers a simple yet intuitive interface for the management of employee’s medical information, appointments, immunisations, specific health surveillance and other occupational health related data.
By automating these common tasks, time is saved and efficiency improved upon, allowing more time to be spent on what is important to you: the business of adding value as a service provider. With the introduction of new technology and with expanding occupational health services the demand to be able to work peripatetically has never been so great.
With a web-based system there is no need to be tied to one specific place, provided you have internet access, you can access Cohort anytime, anywhere. The system provides an evidenced return on investment.
What can Cohort do for your organisation?